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District Department of Transportation

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Florida Avenue NE Streetscape (2nd Street NE to H Street NE)

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Mayor Bowser is committed to providing safe streets across the District, and the Florida Avenue NE Streetscape Project is an important part of that commitment.

Project Overview

The District of Columbia Department of Transportation (DDOT) initiated a planning study of the Florida Avenue NE corridor between New York Avenue and H Street/Benning Road NE in 2012. The planning phase ended with several recommendations based on community feedback for improving safety, mobility and streetscape enhancements for all users of this corridor. DDOT completed preliminary engineering design plans for the Florida Avenue corridor between 2nd Street NE and H Street NE in May 2017, and the project is now in the final design phase.

What is DDOT planning to do?

The final Florida Avenue NE design includes elements and considerations for pedestrians, bicyclists, vehicles, and transit/bus access; and will provide streetscape and operational enhancements to improve safety for pedestrians and bicyclists while ensuring all users of the roadway are able to travel safely through the corridor.

Improvements along the corridor will include:

  • Reduction in the number of travel lanes (a “road diet”) along the corridor;
  • Addition of two-way protected cycle track on the south side of Florida Avenue from 2nd Street NE and West Virginia Avenue NE;
  • Addition of one-way protected bike lanes on each side of Florida Avenue NE from West Virginia Avenue NE to H Street NE;
  • Improvements to landscaping, drainage improvements, and low-impact stormwater management development throughout corridor;
  • Improvements to lighting improvements throughout corridor;
  • Rehabilitation and widening of sidewalks to improve pedestrian safety and connectivity;
  • Realignment of curbs at several intersections to slow traffic and improve safety for all modes.

Will the interim safety improvements completed in September 2019 become permanent?

During the summer of 2019, DDOT installed a series of interim safety improvements to immediately install improvements while the final capital project is being finalized. These “quick-build” installations reduced travel lanes, added cycletracks and bicycle lanes, and improved bus stops along the corridor. DDOT is continuing to study these changes to incorporate them into the final project.

When will DDOT conduct the work?

DDOT expects to finish the final design for the project in Fall 2020 and plans to begin construction on the final capital project in Spring 2021, which is expected to conclude in Summer 2022.

Where can I get more information on this project?

Please contact Mohamed Dahir, DDOT Project Manager, at [email protected], or Amanda Stout, DDOT Deputy Chief Officer for Project Delivery, at [email protected]. Please visit the project website at