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District Department of Transportation

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New Jersey Avenue NW Project

View of New Jersey Avenue, NW

The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) has conducted a safety evaluation along New Jersey Avenue, NW between H and N Streets, NW, to determine improvements necessary to address existing safety and traffic operational deficiencies within the corridor. Upon completion of this evaluation, engineering plans for safety and traffic operations improvements within the corridor were developed to implement the recommended alternative.


The project was developed and designed based on the Mount Vernon Triangle Transportation and Public Realm Design that recommended converting New Jersey Avenue to two-way operations. In early 2008, engineering on the Mount Vernon design proceeded to a 65 percent level of completion. At this point, the project was put on hold for a variety of reasons, including a different geometric concept prepared by DDOT.

Current Project

Recently, the project was reinstituted to address safety concerns in the corridor and a scope was developed to conduct alternatives analysis to identify opportunities to reallocate right of way space for other modes including transit vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians. The design includes the following elements: 

  • Widen at the intersection of New Jersey Avenue, New York Avenue, and M Street Intersections to support the two-way operation.
  • Widen at the intersection of New Jersey Avenue, 2nd Street/I Street Intersection to support the two-way operation.
  • Upgrade all lighting within the corridor to the new LED standard.
  • Reconstruct all of the traffic signals in the corridor, including providing new ADA pedestrian ramps, countdown pedestrian signals, and Accessible Pedestrian Signals.
  • Update all sidewalks in the corridor to meet ADA requirements.
  • Evaluate drainage needs and update as necessary.
  • Reconstruct all curbing to the Washington, DC, granite curb standard.
  • Update all landscaping along the corridor to increase beautification.
  • Conduct geotechnical analysis to determine pavement repair needs to address crash patterns that may be caused by rutting pavement.
  • Re-time all traffic signals to improve corridor operation and potentially reduce rear-end and other crashes attributable to poor signal timing.
  • Improve signing and pavement markings in the corridor.

Project at a Glance

Project Title: New Jersey Avenue, NW
Providing Agency: District Department of Transportation
Office: Infrastructure Project Management Division (IPMD)
Status: Progress
Type: Renovation/Modernization
Estimated Budget: $13 million
Contact: Ali Shakeri
Phone: (202) 671-4612

Milestones and Deliverables

New Jersey Avenue, NW

  • Construction Project Advertisement Schedule: Fall 2017
  • Construction Start Schedule: Spring 2018
  • Construction Completion Schedule: Spring 2020

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