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District Department of Transportation

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The Vision Zero Initiative

Vision Zero Initiative Logo

Vision Zero Webpage


By the year 2024, Washington, DC will reach zero fatalities and serious injuries to travelers of our transportation system, through more effective use of data, education, enforcement, and engineering.

Vision Zero is a part of Mayor Bowser’s response to the US Department of Transportation’s Mayor’s Challenge for Safer People and Safer Streets, which aims to improve pedestrian and bicycle transportation safety by showcasing effective local actions, empowering local leaders to take action, and promoting partnerships to advance pedestrian and bicycle safety.

Vision Zero requires an all-hands-on-deck approach. More than 20 District government agencies are engaged in the Vision Zero Initiative, including DDOT, the Department of Public Works, the Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services, the Metropolitan Police Department, DC Taxi Cab Commission, the Department of Motor Vehicles, the DC Office on Aging, DC Public Schools, Fire and Emergency Medical Services, Homeland Security and Management, Office of Unified Communications, Department of Health, the Office of the Attorney General, Office of the Chief Technology Officer, Office of Disability Rights, Office of Planning, Office of the City Administrator, Office of the State Superintendent of Education, the Deputy Mayor for Education, Office of Policy and Legislative Affairs, and the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development.
Click here to view a list of past Vision Zero Grant recipients.

Vision Zero Reports

Contact the Vision Zero team at [email protected].

Annual Safety Improvement Program

Each year, as part of the Annual Safety Program (ASAP), DDOT rapidly deploys multi-modal safety improvements at multiple locations across the District. They include Pedestrian Safety Improvements, Highway Safety Improvement Program locations, pedestrian flashers, and driver feedback signs. Please use this dashboard to view project locations and track construction progress. View the ASAP Dashboard.

Dual Turn Lanes

In 2018, DDOT developed a plan to improve 36 intersections with dual turn lanes that pose multiple threat risks, especially to pedestrians. 

Here are the locations.

"High Crash" Intersections

In 2015, Ward 3 Councilmember Mary Cheh coordinated site visits to five “high crash” intersections with DDOT during an 8-day period from August 27 to September 5, 2015. The site visits engaged members of the local Advisory Neighborhood Commissions, Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) and other business groups, members of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Councils (BAC and PAC), the Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA), All Walks DC and other concerned stakeholders.

The following reports came out from the site visits: 

Public comments may be submitted to [email protected].

Enforcement and Education

U-Turns, Pennsylvania Avenue

Greater enforcement and education will protect our most vulnerable travelers. Infrastructure alone will not reduce fatalities and serious injuries to zero.

Major Crash Review Task Force

The Major Crash Review Task Force analyzes every crash handled by the Major Crash Unit of the Metropolitan Police Department and recommends to the Mayor and the Council changes to the District's statutes, regulations, policies, and infrastructure that the Task Force believes would reduce the number of crashes in the District resulting in serious injury or death. The Task Force consists of voting members from The Metropolitan Police Department, The Director of the District Department of Transportation, The Office of Planning, The Bicycle Advisory Council, The Pedestrian Advisory Council, and The Multimodal Accessibility Advisory Council. Non-voting members from the Department of Motor Vehicles and the Department of For-Hire Vehicles also participate. The Task Force is only allowed to review crashes upon receipt of notice that the United States Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia and the Attorney General for the District of Columbia has declined to bring any prosecutions related to the crash; or, in the event, there is a criminal proceeding against an individual involved in the crash, the issuance of a final judgment in the criminal proceeding. Click here for more information. 

Fatal Crash Memos

Fatal Crash Follow-Up Memos