
DDOT Emerging Technology Pilots, Testing, and Demonstrations Initial Application
This application poses screening questions to companies and organizations that are proposing pilots, tests, or demonstrations of emerging transportation-related technology in the District of Columbia. The responses will help District Department of Transportation (DDOT) staff to better understand the impacts of the proposed technology and will allow staff to more strategically select pilots, tests, and demonstrations for implementation.
Livability Program
Livability refers to the quality of life in a community as experienced by the people who live, work, and recreate there.
moveDC Multimodal Transportation Plan
moveDC is the long-range transportation plan for the District of Columbia. Under Mayor Bowser’s leadership, the moveDC plan was updated in 2021 and establishes goals, policies, strategies, and metrics for the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) to invest in transportation facilities and programs that address the needs of Washingtonians across all eight wards. The plan identifies goals for the following seven topics: safety, equity, mobility, management and operations, project delivery, sustainability, and enjoyable spaces.

Smart DC
On February 4, 2016, DDOT submitted an application to the Smart City Challenge, a nationwide competition sponsored by the US Department of Transportation, encouraging cities to envision how smart technology can help them meet future transportation challenges.

Speed Study Data and Map
All states, including the District of Columbia, formulate their speed regulations on the basis of some form of the basic speed law.

Transportation Demand Management
Transportation Demand Management (TDM) is the application of strategies and policies to reduce travel, demand-specifically that of single-occupancy private vehicles-or to redistribute this demand in space or in time.
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