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District Department of Transportation

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4th/Blair/Cedar NW Intersection Improvements

The 4th Street / Blair Road / Cedar Street Intersection Improvement project is the result of a 2014 Safety Audit Recommendation Report.

The complexity of the intersection creates challenges regarding the efficiency of current traffic control devices. Bound by an active community of residential and commercial properties as well as the nearby Takoma Metro station, the intersection must accommodate cars, buses, bicyclists, and pedestrians. As a result, there has historically been a significant number of vehicular-pedestrian-bicyclist conflicts and a high crash frequency at the intersection. 

The intersection improvements are being implemented to reduce these conflicts, improve safety, and work toward achieveing the District's Vision Zero goals.

The project will include converting 4th Street to a one-way street southbound and re-configuring the Blair Road/Cedar Street intersection to minimize vehicle and bike-ped conflicts and at the same time provide much needed improvements and safety upgrades to the existing infrastructure. In general, improvements include the following:

  • Re-constructing pavement, median and sidewalk sections including new accessible curb ramps and a new ornamental median safety fence at Cedar Street;
  • Roadway widening to provide adequate turning movements for WMATA buses;
  • Upgrading traffic signals, parking meters and other traffic control devices;
  • Installation of new street lights (poles, arms and luminaires);
  • Adjusting and upgrading water and sewer lines as well as new fire hydrants; and
  • Installing low impact stormwater management facilities and green planting areas.

In support of sustainability, improvements will include best management practices for water quality, bioretention for self-sustaining landscaping, recycled materials and all reusable materials will be salvaged and stored for future use as appropriate.

Construction is scheduled to begin in August 2019 and be completed by Spring of 2020. To ensure efficient traffic movements during this period, a comprehensive maintenance of traffic program has been developed and will be implemented as an 8-phase program which shifts as construction activities move from one location to the next. Close coordination will be maintained with local residents and business owners as well as Metro Bus Services as each phase is rolled out.