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District Department of Transportation

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Crosstown Protected Bicycle Lane Proposed Improvements

Mayor Muriel Bowser is working to make streets safer across the District, and the Crosstown Protected Bicycle Lane project is part of that commitment.

What is the Crosstown Protected Bicycle Lane?

The Crosstown Protected Bike Lane is a new bicycling facility that closes a major gap in the existing bicycle network between Columbia Heights and Brookland. From east to west, the protected bike lane will start on Irving St NE at Michigan Ave NE, and run along the median of Irving Street NE/NW, continuing onto Kenyon St NW until it ends at Warder Street NW.

Typical Section of Crosstown Protected Bike Lane

What is DDOT planning to do?

DDOT is planning to construct a fully separated and protected two-way cycle track on Irving Street, NW that will run along the median of the roadway. The bike lane is separated by concrete barriers and all vehicle conflicts at intersections are fully controlled by traffic signals.

Will this project affect parking or traffic?

For most of its length, the Crosstown Protected bike lane project has no parking impacts. Parking is impacted along one block on Kenyon St., between Warder St. and Park Rd. where existing full time parking on the south side will become rush hour restricted parking. DDOT has studied several alternative configurations for this lane and our studies showed minimal decrease in the “level of service” for motor vehicles on Irving St and Kenyon St NW projected through 2040.

What was the public input for this project?

Between 2015 and 2016, DDOT held four public meetings as part of the Crosstown Multimodal Transportation Study to obtain feedback from the community. During the meetings, the DDOT team heard that bike connectivity was a priority to close a major gap in the existing bicycle network. For this reason, this project will move forward with Project Recommendation B.1 from the September 2016 Crosstown Multimodal Transportation Study to develop protected bike lane designs along Irving Street NE/NW and the 400 block of Kenyon Street NW. A follow up public meeting was held on June 12, 2018 and an in-field pop-up protected bike lane demonstration was held in September 2018.Feedback from all of these events has informed the project scope and design.

Pop Up Demonstration

When will the work be done?

Construction began in May 2020 and is scheduled to be completely installed by the end of 2020.

Where can I get more information on this project?

Contact Mike Goodno, Bicycle Program Specialist, with DDOT’s Active Transportation Branch at 202-671-0681 or [email protected].

View the Notice of Intent and Final Design Plans