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District Department of Transportation

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Cleveland Park Streetscape and Drainage Improvement

The Cleveland Park Streetscape and Drainage Improvement Project along Connecticut Avenue from Macomb Street NW to Quebec Street NW is located in Ward 3, Washington, D.C. This project is designed to improve drainage throughout the corridor and improve pedestrian safety and implement several green infrastructure improvements.

Key Safety Improvements

  • Improving drainage along the project corridor
  • Modifying drainage structures
  • Improving vehicular and pedestrian safety, access, and visibility
  • Installing necessary street furnishings and gathering area signage
  • Improving streetscapes along the Connecticut Avenue corridor with features including native tree plantings and permeable pavers
  • Installing curb extensions, crosswalk striping, and street furnishings including bicycle racks, trash cans, and tree boxes
  • Upgrading curb ramps to meet American with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards

Project Timeline

  • Length of project: 20 months
  • Construction Start: FY 2022
  • Estimated Construction End: FY 2024

Project Contact