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District Department of Transportation

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Downtown West Transportation Planning Study

Downtown West Study Area

The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) completed a planning study of the western portion of downtown to improve east-west travel for cyclists, pedestrians, and buses. The study area includes:

  • Pennsylvania Avenue NW between 17th Street and Washington Circle; and
  • H and I Streets NW between New York Avenue and Pennsylvania Avenue

The purpose of this planning study is to do the following:

  • Engage the public;
  • Identify opportunities to improve the urban design, enhance the streetscape, and activate the public space along Pennsylvania Avenue NW between 17th Street and Washington Circle, including the addition of stormwater retention features;
  • Evaluate alignments for a separated bicycle facility, or cycle track, along Pennsylvania Avenue NW between 17th Street and Washington Circle;
  • Assess the operational feasibility of a contraflow bus lane on H Street NW between New York Avenue and Pennsylvania Avenue and identify associated necessary operational improvements, including the intersection of H Street and Pennsylvania Avenue; and
  • Develop conceptual drawings based on technical analysis.

The Downtown West Transportation Planning Study builds upon the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority and DDOT’s 2013 H/I Street Bus Improvements Technical Report. moveDC, the District’s multimodal transportation plan, identified Pennsylvania Avenue NW as a priority cycle track corridor and H Street NW as a priority high-capacity transit corridor.

  • The Pennsylvania Avenue NW portion of the project is currently in the design phase. Please visit the project website for more information.
  • For more information about bus priority improvements on H Street NW, please visit the DDOT Bus Priority webpage.

Please contact [email protected] for project update emails.