The Far Northeast Livability Study was prepared as a partnership that included District Department of Transportation (DDOT) and Office of Planning (OP) staff, members of the 12 neighborhoods and 7 Single Member Advisory Neighborhood Commissions (ANC) within the Far Northeast Study area, and the consultant team consisting of Kittelson and Associates, Toole Design Group and Samuel Jordan.
The policy direction and financial resources of the District Department of Transportation permitted the perspectives of residents living within and near the Far Northeast study area to offer significant direction in the various stages of development of the recommendations proposed in this study. These include:
- Range of issues identified and addressed in this plan,
- Location needs for observation, data collection and analysis,
- Prioritization criteria for final project selection,
- Approaches for communicating and exchanging information, and
- Outreach methods including assisting in outreach.
Livability Approach in Far Northeast
The goals of DDOT’s Livability Program to “Create Safe Passages, Support Sustainable Living, and Promote Prosperous Places” helped to guide the team’s approach to problem identification and assessment. In addition to access to goods, services and opportunity, the program’s focus recognizes that transportation facilities and services affect the quality of neighborhood and personal health, household budgets, cultural preservation and the natural environment. This was seen by the Far Northeast participants as a new and welcomed change in the city’s approach to thinking about transportation in the area. The various ANCs and civic leaders within the Far Northeast also recognized that this study could be catalytic to improve the effectiveness of transportation resource application within the study area and worked not only to advise of issues and concerns but also to get the word out to their neighbors to raise awareness of the opportunity.
Final Report
The Final Report was completed in October 2011. It is a comprehensive summary of the work done and conclusions reached during the study.
Project at a Glance
Project Title: Far Northeast Livability Study
Providing Agency: District Department of Transportation
Status: Completed
Type: Education/Training