Traffic Safety Input (TSI) Dashboard
Our Traffic Safety Input (TSI) Dashboard tracks the process from start to finish. Click the link to see where your request is in the process.

Traffic Safety Input

DDOT is committed to making District streets safer for all roadway users while providing multimodal mobility and access for residents, visitors, and commercial users. A combination of traffic control devices and traffic calming measures can help meet both goals. DDOT has a full portfolio of proactive, data-based safety efforts, which can be reviewed at In addition, our Traffic Safety Input (TSI) program provides a mechanism for DDOT to hear from residents on roadway segments and intersections where users have safety concerns.
Residents should not request maintenance of existing assets through the Traffic Safety Input program; instead, please use the appropriate 311 categories (e.g. Roadway Signs, Roadway Striping/Markings, Sidewalk Repair, Traffic Signal Issue). Maintenance requests submitted as Traffic Safety Inputs will not be addressed.
A Traffic Safety Input can be submitted via 311 by a resident, ANC, or other community member or organization and will be prioritized based on objective factors such as roadway characteristics, crash patterns, equity, proximity to Vision Zero High Injury Network corridors, and locations utilized by vulnerable road users such as schools, Metro rails stations, and bus stops. Based on these factors, DDOT’s Traffic Safety Branch will develop a work plan for 800 prioritized locations per year (200 each quarter) to evaluate the safety concerns expressed and determine if any action is needed. All TSI submissions that are not included in the quarterly work plan will remain in the system for prioritization in following quarters.
The Traffic Safety Input (TSI) Dashboard tracks the process from start to finish for prioritized TSI locations. Many of the TSI requests are complex and require review, data collection, site visits, or other actions as part of the evaluation. DDOT tracks each step to ensure residents can follow the progress of prioritized TSIs.
For more information on the TSI 2.0 Prioritization Model, including criteria used to evaluate intersections within the District, please refer to Traffic Safety Inputs (TSI) Prioritization Model 2.0.
TSI evaluation and production of the corresponding engineering design (work order) for prioritized TSIs takes approximately 130 business days to complete following prioritization. DDOT’s findings for each prioritized TSI will be posted on the TSI Dashboard. If a safety treatment is necessary, DDOT will provide the details of the proposed improvements. If no changes are recommended, we will provide an explanation for our decision.
- Upon evaluation, if the proposed recommendations change existing traffic control and/or on-street parking, a Notice of Intent (NOI) will be issued by DDOT, which includes a 30 business-day public comment period.
- The timeline for installation of improvements varies based on the safety treatment identified.
- For most treatments that do not require an NOI, installation typically occurs in the next calendar quarter after the TSI is completed; for example, a TSI evaluation that is completed in Quarter 1 will be implemented in Quarter 2.
Residents can visit for updates on work order installation.
For more information about vertical traffic calming infrastructure (e.g., speed humps, speed tables, raised crosswalks), including criteria used by DDOT to evaluate implementation on roadways within the District, as well as design specifications for these devices, please refer to DDOT Vertical Traffic Calming Guidelines.