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District Department of Transportation

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The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) is committed to providing environmentally sustainable transportation solutions. DDOT continues to practice and promote environmental excellence as it fulfills its mission to enhance the quality of life for the District of Columbia residents and visitors by ensuring that people, goods, and information move efficiently and safely, with minimal adverse impacts on residents and the environment.

Clean Air Partners (CAP) IconAir Quality

The District is committed to improving air quality and reducing greenhouse gases. Using Federal Funding and working with the Federal Highway Administration, the District is implementing programs to support projects that work towards improving air quality. Programs include the Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) and Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ).

Clean Air Partners (CAP) IconClean Air Partners

DDOT is a voting member of the Clean Air Partners, which is a partnership established by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Government.

Clean Air Partners (CAP) IconElectric Vehicle Initiatives

Sustainability is a top priority for the District, and the switch to electric vehicles complements many existing District sustainability goals and initiatives that look to electrification to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the District, as the city seeks to be carbon neutral and climate resilient by 2050.

Policy and Planning imageDDOT Environmental Policy and Process Manual

The Environmental Policy and Process Manual facilitates DDOT meeting its mission to “develop and maintain a cohesive, sustainable transportation system that delivers safe, affordable, and convenient ways to move people and goods—while protecting and enhancing the natural, environmental and cultural resources of the District.” This manual provides information on the DDOT Project Development Process, NEPA, DCEPA, and other local and federal environmental laws and regulations. Specific regulations and processes are described in individual chapters in the manual. DDOT is in the process of revising this manual to bring it up to date with current DDOT practices.

Green Infrastructure

Comprehensive information on the District’s new Green Infrastructure standards that include Low Impact Development techniques to capture and treat stormwater as close to the source as possible.

Green Alley Projects - alley sceneGreen Alley Projects

The District’s Green Alley Projects are designed to reduce the quantity and improve the quality of stormwater within the city’s right-of-way (ROW).

Sustainability Plan - burlap with green stenciled sustainable graphicSustainability Plans

Sustainability plans provide a clear vision to incorporate sustainable practices in all of the department's activities.