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District Department of Transportation

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Project Overview

The M Street SE/SW Transportation Study is identifying current and future transportation challenges and ways to address them within a roughly 1.7-square-mile area along M Street SE/SW, and the Southwest waterfront from 12th Street, SE to 14th Street, SW and from the Southwest/Southeast Freeway south to the Anacostia River/Washington Channel.

The study is analyzing how to integrate transit, bicycling and walking with motor vehicle traffic in order to best serve neighborhoods in this burgeoning section of the city. In addition, the study is seeking ways to most safely and effectively balance the travel needs of residents with those of visitors and workers who will be drawn to new retail and mixed use development planned for the area. Movement of goods, parking and transportation facilities that give people access to all the new amenities coming to the M Street corridor also are being considered.

Among the factors being considered are current and forecasted transportation conditions, planned land uses and possible transportation enhancements to:

  • improve safety for drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists
  • increase mobility
  • provide better local connections to the regional transportation network
  • support planned development

Three public meetings in 2012 (noted in Milestones) are intended to help residents, businesses and other stakeholders stay informed and to provide opportunities for public comment.

The study was launched in November 2011 and final report is scheduled to be completed in fall 2012.

If you have questions, comments, or would like to be added to the stakeholder contact list, please email

Project Contact

Colleen Hawkinson, AICP
Senior Transportation Planner
District Department of Transportation
(202) 671-2228

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