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District Department of Transportation

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Kenilworth Avenue Corridor Transportation Study

Kenilworth Avenue Corridor Transportation Study cover

Kenilworth Avenue is a major highway providing a link between I-395, I-295, and the Baltimore-Washington Parkway. It serves as an important commuter route, carrying over 100,000 vehicles daily between Maryland and Washington, DC.

The Kenilworth Avenue Corridor Study is the third major transportation study by the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) to look at transportation improvements for the Anacostia Waterfront Initiative (AWI) area. The AWI’s primary focus is to revitalize the Anacostia River waterfront and its surrounding neighborhoods, and envisions an energized waterfront that unifies diverse neighborhoods with one of the city’s greatest natural assets, the Anacostia River.

The study area is located in the northeast and southeast quadrants of Washington, DC and examines the section of Kenilworth Avenue between Pennsylvania Avenue and Eastern Avenue. Kenilworth Avenue lies east of, and roughly parallel to the Anacostia River.

The study explored options for improving Kenilworth Avenue within the context of three major goals:

  1. Providing a safer, more pedestrian friendly, atmosphere.
  2. Creating a more urban setting for Kenilworth Avenue.
  3. Improving access for local neighborhoods.

The purpose of this project is to improve the safety and accessibility of Kenilworth Avenue for the neighboring communities. This project will develop recommendations to transform Kenilworth Avenue into an urban roadway which is more pedestrian friendly and more accessible for the adjoining communities and neighborhoods. The study will address issues related to access, safety, and transportation for drivers, pedestrians, bicyclists, and public transit use.

Project at a Glance

Project Title: Kenilworth Avenue Corridor Transportation Study
Providing Agency: District Department of Transportation
Office: Infrastructure Project Management Division (IPMD)
Status: Completed
Type: Education/Training

Related Document

Kenilworth Avenue Corridor Study 2007 - Final Report