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District Department of Transportation

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Managed Lanes Corridor Project Feasibility Study

Monday, December 2, 2013

The goal of the managed lanes corridor feasibility study is to determine if the concept of establishing a network of High Occupancy Toll (HOT) lanes within the District of Columbia (District) to manage the growing congestion, promote multi-modal transportation, and encourage carpooling and High Occupancy Vehicle travel can be an effective and efficient tool. In addition to the corridor feasibility, the study looked at the viability of developing and delivering the project as a Public-Private Partnership (P3). In order to perform this study, we analyzed corridors into and within the District to identify the corridor that would provide the best match for a managed lane facility and also address the need to manage congestion. A general corridor alignment was identified that encompasses a route throughout the south side of the District, starting at the District of Columbia/Virginia border traveling north on one of the 14th Street Bridges across the Potomac River, continuing east along I-395 and I-695, and then traveling south along I-295 to the District of Columbia/Maryland border.