To increase the availability of convenient bicycle and scooter parking facilities, increase pedestrian safety, and support alternative transportation ridership. Safe, secure, and abundant bicycle and scooter parking is necessary to support the District’s growing number of people using bikes and scooters for transportation, commuting, and recreation. Providing sufficient bicycle and scooter parking is part of DDOT's strategy to promote bicycling and scooting in the District of Columbia and reduce the number of bikes and scooters locked to trees, benches, and railings.
Residents can request a bike rack in the public space by submitting a request to 311. DDOT installs over 1000 bike racks per year and District regulations require new construction to provide both short and long-term bicycle parking for residents, employees, and visitors.
Bike Parking Guide
The District Department of Transportation’s 2018 Bike Parking Guide is a one-stop resource for residents, businesses, and developers to learn about bike parking in the District. Relevant laws, design guidelines, and the process for requesting new bike parking racks are provided in an easy-to-read guide.
Bike and Scooter Corrals
Each year District residents and visitors take millions of trips on dockless bikes and scooters. To support this growing transit option, DDOT is installing bike and scooter corrals across the District. Please visit our public dashboard to learn more about bicycle and scooter usage in the District.
The off-sidewalk parking corrals are available for personal and shared dockless bikes and scooters. Residents can submit a request for off-sidewalk parking corrals through 311.
Questions? Please contact the appropriate DDOT Community Engagement Specialist.
DDOT is specifically targeting locations where we can make a difference by “daylighting” intersections for pedestrian safety. On District streets where parking is allowed, drivers should generally park no closer than 40 feet from the intersection, unless there is signage indicating otherwise. Where a street has parking signage, all drivers must obey the signs and avoid parking in “no parking” or “no standing” zones approaching intersections. Installing corrals at these locations provides both needed parking infrastructure for dockless vehicles and also prevents dangerous illegal car parking.
Better Bike and Scooter Parking Behavior
Shared dockless bicycles and scooters are required to be locked to a bike rack or other fixed object when not in use. Dockless bikes and scooters that are parked on private property or block sidewalks should be reported to 311 under “Dockless Vehicle Complaint.” Dockless bike and scooter riders who park vehicles incorrectly may be subject to fines and penalties from the dockless vehicle provider. Dockless vehicle providers are required by District regulation to educate riders on the correct way to park dockless vehicles.