DDOT's School Crossing Guards protect the safety of students who walk, bike or take transit to school. School crossing guards help students safely cross hazardous intersections en route to the school building and work in conjunction with school monitors, school security, parking enforcement officers, roadway traffic operations patrols, and police officers. The list of schools and intersections covered by DDOT can be found in a table as well as an interactive map. DDOT will continue to update the table to reflect the latest deployment plan.
DDOT may not always have staff to cover all of the crossing guard posts that are requested throughout the District. To ensure that posts with the highest need are covered, we have prioritized all the posts based on the potential for a crash involving pedestrians. Factors used for prioritization include pedestrian volumes (from 2024), income and racial equity measures, crash history, number of lanes to be crossed, intersection geometry, control type (such as stop control versus signal), and other safety factors. In addition to all of this data, other aspects, such as recent intersection improvements (such as curb extensions or signalizations) and the presence of other safe crossings (covered by a guard for a school), will impact the prioritization.
As new Crossing Guards staff become available, they will be filled in the priority order established.
Check out this interactive map to find out where school crossing guards are assigned across all eight wards. DDOT's School Post Deployment Plan for August 2024 is listed below in the attachments section as a downloadable pdf.
Request a New School Crossing Guard
To request a new School Crossing Guard, school principals should download the "School Crossing Guard Request Instructions" and the "School Crossing Guard Request Form" and submit to DDOT. DDOT will evaluate each request and assign School Crossing Guards based on priority and availability of resources.
Looking to join the DDOT team?
Health and life insurance benefits and retirement benefits:
- Complimentary Capital BikeShare Membership
- Continued professional development, and professional growth through DDOT University, the in-house training available for all DDOT employees.
- Employer-assisted housing loan program, providing payment and/or closing cost financing for first-time homebuyers (restrictions apply).