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District Department of Transportation

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Temporary Traffic Pattern Changes on 16th Street NW Between H Street NW and K Street NW, Black Lives Matter Plaza to Begin March 14 

Friday, March 12, 2021
Black and white street sign for Black Lives Matter Plaza

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Temporary Traffic Pattern Changes on 16th Street NW Between H Street NW and K Street NW, Black Lives Matter Plaza to Begin March 14 

(WASHINGTON, DC) — Today, the District Department of Transportation will implement temporary changes to the traffic patterns on 16th Street NW between H Street NW and K Street NW, also known as Black Lives Matter (BLM) Plaza.  

Beginning on Sunday, March 14, 2021, one travel lane on 16th Street NW will be reopened in each direction. Northbound vehicles will access 16th Street from H Street NW.  Southbound vehicles will access 16th Street from K Street NW. Drivers on Eye (I) Street NW will be able to continue west or make a right on to northbound 16th Street NW. No left turns will be permitted from I Street NW to southound 16th Street NW. The center of the plaza will be designated for pedestrians and visitors and protected from vehicular traffic. The new traffic configuration will be temporary, lasting from mid-March through mid-April. 

DDOT Traffic Control Officers and the Metropolitan Police Department will continue to monitor traffic conditions along Black Lives Matter Plaza to ensure the safety of all users of the roadway traveling through the corridor. 


The District Department of Transportation's mission is to equitably deliver a safe, sustainable, and reliable multimodal transportation network for all residents and visitors of the District of Columbia. 

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