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German Vigil (DDOT) – (202) 306-1668, [email protected]
Mariam Nabizad (DDOT) – (202) 359-2678, [email protected]
DDOT Celebrates the Opening of Parkside Pedestrian Bridge in Ward 7
(Washington, DC) —
The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) celebrates the opening of the Parkside Pedestrian Bridge in Ward 7, which will provide safe and accessible mobility opportunities for area residents.
Specifically, the bridge will more directly and safely connect the Mayfair neighborhood and Parkside development to its west with the Minnesota Avenue Metrorail and Bus Transfer Stations and the Deanwood Community to its east.
The newly constructed Parkside Pedestrian Bridge now provides safe, well-lit, accessible pedestrian and bicycle travel between neighborhoods and a local Metrorail station, separated by DC 295 and two sets of railroad tracks north of the Benning Road interchange. Improvements included pavement reconstruction, new sidewalks, curbs and gutters, new street and pedestrian lighting, new traffic signals, bike lanes, and Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant ramps.
“The completion of the Parkside Pedestrian Bridge brings significant improvements to a major thoroughfare in Ward 7,” said Acting DDOT Director Lott. “We worked closely with local stakeholders throughout the project in order to provide the much-needed traffic safety improvements, and we look forward to delivering more projects like this.”
A key feature of the Parkside Pedestrian Bridge project includes a three-span steel truss bridge with two approach spans and access ramps. The central span is a single span girder, with two spans feature two pinned tied arches. The bridge will improve the transportation connective ness represented by bus transport and station and interrupted by the rail and freeway and will ease the traffic in the area, eliminating the worry of an at-level pedestrian crossing.
For more information about the project, please visit
The District Department of Transportation's mission is to equitably deliver a safe, sustainable, and reliable multimodal transportation network for all residents and visitors of the District of Columbia.
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