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District Department of Transportation

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Tenleytown Multimodal Access Project

Project Summary

DDOT is developing a concept design for pedestrian, streetscape, and multimodal safety and access improvements in the area surrounding the east entrance of the Tenleytown-AU Metrorail Station.

Beginning with specific recommendations from a 2016 WMATA study, DDOT will refine the prior concepts and work with community and agency stakeholders to review project objectives and seek feedback on proposed design elements. The project will also be informed by recommendations from the Tenleytown Public Life Study, completed by the Office of Planning.

The project will review the following key elements:

  • Enhanced pedestrian spaces
  • Better sidewalk design
  • Improved intersection geometry
  • High-visibility crosswalks
  • Improved bus shelters and bus layover space
  • Streetscape and landscaping
  • Bicycle infrastructure
  • Safer curb cuts and driveways
  • Improved public spaces
  • Pop-up urban design improvements

Project Area

The project focuses on the area surrounding the east entrance of the Tenleytown-AU Metrorail Station, including 40th Street and Fort Drive NW between Albemarle and Chesapeake Streets, and Albemarle Street NW between 40th Street/Fort Drive and Wisconsin Avenue.

Project Schedule

The project kicked off in the spring of 2022 and is scheduled to end in the summer of 2023. DDOT will hold three public meetings during the project.

The first public meeting was in May 2022. The meeting was recorded and is available on DDOT’s YouTube page. The presentation and a summary of the meeting is available below.

DDOT met with the Citizens Advisory Group for the project in November 2022. DDOT shared the first draft of project concepts at the meeting, and the slides from the meeting are available below.

The second public meeting was in February 2023. Click here to view the boards from the meeting. The third public meeting will occur in the spring or early summer of 2023.

Public Involvement

Throughout the project, DDOT will engage internal and external stakeholders through three major public meetings and workshops, Advisory Committee meetings, ANC meetings, and other community meetings. DDOT will also communicate via the project’s webpage, email, and other tools, as appropriate. Project presentations and other materials will be linked on this page as they are developed.

Get Involved

For more information, please contact:

Ted Van Houten, Transportation Planner

DDOT Project Manager

[email protected]

(202) 671-4580