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District Department of Transportation

Virtual Public Meeting - Rehabilitation of Eastern Avenue

Last Date:


The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) invites you to a virtual public meeting for the Rehabilitation of Eastern Avenue NE (from New Hampshire Avenue NE to Whittier Street NW) project. DDOT will share an update on the project and discuss the upcoming steps at this virtual public meeting. For more information about the project please visit

To view the virtual presentation:

Event Number: 2313 398 4282

Event Password: June22!

Dial-in option (audio only): 1-202-860-2110 Access code: 2313 398 4282

The Webex system will prompt you for an Attendee ID, this is not required. Press the # key to join the meeting.

Having difficulties joining the meeting?

If you need technical support during the meeting, please dial 202-309-3491.