The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) invites you to a public meeting on Thursday, October 26, 2023, at the Cleveland Park Library (3310 Connecticut Avenue NW) for a presentation on the DC Smart Street Lighting project. DDOT will present an overview and update on the Wards 3 and 4 project schedule at this public meeting. The Smart Street Lighting Project will modernize 72,051 streetlights in the District of Columbia by converting them to LED technology with remote monitoring and control capabilities. LEDs better direct light onto the road, sidewalks, and trails, all helping to improve safety and advance the District’s Vision Zero goals. The project increases the city’s sustainability by reducing streetlight energy consumption by more than 50%, eliminating 38,000 tons of greenhouse gas emissions annually.
This public meeting will be a hybrid meeting. If you are not able to attend in person, please feel free to attend virtually using the information below:
To view the virtual presentation via WebEx:
Event Number: 2312 279 3221
Event Password: Join1026!
Dial-in option (audio only): 1-202-860-2110
Access code: 231 227 93221
The WebEx system will prompt you for a Numeric Webinar Password: 56461026. Press the # key to join the meeting.
For questions about the meeting, please email [email protected].
Have difficulties joining the meeting?
If you need technical support during the meeting, please dial 1-202-253-9320.
Can't Make the Meeting?
Materials from this meeting will be made available on the study website within 72 hours of the meeting conclusion. Those who would like to leave a comment about the study can do so by leaving a comment on the project website.