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PSC to Host Special Virtual Session on Small Cell Standalone Pole

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Media Contacts

Contact: Public Space Committee — [email protected]


PSC to HOST Special Virtual Session on Small Cell Standalone Pole

(Washington, DC) — The Public Space Committee (PSC) has scheduled a special virtual session on Thursday, July 18, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. The session will collect stakeholder input on tracking number 434733, which proposes modifications to the Small Cell Guidelines. The hearing aims to discuss the incorporation of the design for the Small Cell Standalone Pole.

Participants can follow this special link to join the meeting virtually on July 18, 2024.

A mayoral priority since 2018, the Small Cell Guidelines serve as the District of Columbia’s framework for Small Cell Infrastructure within the public right-of-way. (Final guidelines were approved March 2019.) Small Cell Technology is a type of wireless communication infrastructure designed to enhance network capacity and coverage in high-user density areas.

The hearing will be focused on Section 8 of the Guidelines, which defines different classes of Small Cell Antennae and cabinetry to use in the Public Space. However, the Guidelines currently lacks approved design details on the appearance for Standalone Poles. It outlines requirements for site distance, pedestrian space, spacing among streetscape elements, and other similar considerations. The PSC will hear from stakeholders—both for and against—Standalone Poles, as addressing these types of poles was deferred when the guidelines were adopted.

Please note that the standalone pole infrastructure is not owned or operated by the District Department of Transportation (DDOT). However, because it exists within public space, it is subject to the regulations outlined in the District’s Small Cell Guidelines.

Interested persons or representatives of organizations may be heard as public witnesses at the virtual public hearing. Individuals have three minutes, and organizations, including Advisory Neighborhood Commissions, have five minutes. The PSC also requests that witnesses prepare written testimony and submit it via email to the PSC at [email protected] prior to the meeting. The oral presentation should summarize the most important points of the written testimony.

All individuals, organizations, or associations that intend to testify on any of the cases on the agenda are encouraged to inform the PSC of their intent to testify no less than 48 hours prior to the hearing date via email at [email protected].
