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District Department of Transportation

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DDOT Bus Lane and Bus Zone Enforcement FAQs

Why is DDOT doing Bus Lane and Bus Zone enforcement? 

Automated enforcement of the District’s more than 12.7 lane-miles of bus lanes and 3,000 bus zones will help to ensure that they are clear and safe for bus riders, enhancing the benefit of DDOT’s expanding network of bus priority corridors. By improving bus speeds and reliability, DDOT aims to increase mobility and access to opportunities for District residents, workers, and visitors. Keeping the District’s bus zones clear from illegal use will also increase safety and accessibility at bus stops, allowing buses to pull fully to the curb and supporting accessible boarding for bus riders and smoother traffic operations.

How does this help moveDC?  

MoveDC, the District’s long-range transportation plan, includes an initiative to install 25 bus lane-miles by 2025. The District’s Bus Priority program builds upon this commitment to elevate and advance transportation equity to ensure that public investments in transportation justly benefit all residents, visitors, and commuters. Over 60% of District residents live within a quarter mile of the Bus Priority network. The network is also within walking distance of approximately two-thirds of low-income households and almost 80% of jobs.

How is DDOT’s program affiliated with WMATA’s Clear Lanes Program? 

The Clear Lanes Program is a joint program that will build upon DDOT’s moveDC’s Transit Priority Network, WMATA’s Better Bus Initiative, and DDOT’s Bus Priority Plan as its foundation, including goals, objectives, key messages, tools, and tactics.

How does the program work? 

Per a partnership agreement with WMATA, WMATA will purchase and install cameras for 140 of its buses to automatically detect unauthorized users in bus lanes and bus zones, then will send the vehicle information to DC DMV. DDOT will pay for the secure network supporting the download and transfer of the violation information images, data, and video to DC DMV. DDOT will evaluate the violation information using the current two-step approval processing for warnings and Notices of Infraction. If the video shows the vehicle making a right turn where authorized or the vehicle is otherwise authorized to be in the bus lane or zones, a violation will not be issued. This process ensures the accuracy of the evaluation of the violation evidence packages captured by the WMATA cameras.

How much is the ticket for blocking a bus-only lane?   

Violations for parking or driving in a Bus Lane are $100 each.

How much is the ticket for blocking a bus zone? 

Violations for parking in a Bus Zone are $100 each.

Does DDOT intend to use WMATA’s information to ticket everyone from cars to delivery drivers if they are blocking bus lanes/stops? 

All non-authorized vehicles will be issued notices. See the Clear Lanes website for a list of authorized vehicles.

Would I get a ticket if I pulled over for an emergency vehicle in a bus lane?

All relevant camera footage of vehicles in the bus lane will be reviewed by a DDOT employee. If a vehicle pulls over for an emergency vehicle or is otherwise legally allowed to be in the bus lane, a ticket will not be issued.

Is there any manner to contest issued tickets? 

Contesting and reviewing Notices of Infraction will be done in the same manner as current infractions: through adjudication services. As with current enforcement, the review process information will be clearly described on the back of all Notices of Infraction. Citizens will also have online access to all violation evidence via a secure website at by entering the citation number and pin clearly listed on the notice of infraction.

Will there be other methods of enforcement, such as towing, as well? 

Vehicles parked long-term in a bus lane or zone will be towed.

What are the program costs, and who’s paying for what?  

WMATA is to fund $4.6 million for the equipment, installation, and integration, and the District will fund $3.1 million.

Where are the funds from the $100 fines issued by these cameras going? 

All automated traffic enforcement revenue throughout the city will go to the general fund and support the city’s overall budget.

Where are the DC funds coming from, and does it need any D.C. Council or Mayoral approval?   

The two-year District commitment to the program is $2.7 million and is part of the FY 23 $.9 million budget and FY 24 $1.8 million budget allocated to support Automated Traffic Enforcement.

Any reportable response on the implementation of this agreement? 

The partnership between WMATA and DDOT is supported by a memorandum of understanding (MOU). This MOU outlines agency responsibilities and functions supporting the program. In the first two years of the program, DC will process violations captured by 140 buses equipped with cameras.

Where are the bus lanes in the District? 

For an updated map of the existing bus lanes in the District and the hours of operation for each, please visit

What is the enforcement process?