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District Department of Transportation

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Car Safety Seat Program

Project Safe-Child

The District Department of Transportation operates a federally funded Child Safety Seat Program designed to share information with parents and caregivers about the importance of proper use of child safety seats every time a child rides in a car. The program provides District residents with an infant or toddler, a free booster seat, and information about properly installing and buckling children into their safety seats. It is a multi-agency/organization effort with DDOT, Metropolitan Police Department (MPD), DC Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), and Safe Kids Washington DC.

Free Car Seat and Free Car Seat Inspections

Project Safe-Child provides a free car seat to all District residents with a valid government-issued ID. These can be obtained by:

  • Voucher program – Vouchers are distributed by appointment ONLY at the DDOT Headquarters located at 250 M Street, SE, and throughout the District, such as schools, health centers, and youth centers, including:
    • Children’s National Hospital, Garfield Elementary School, and Tubman Elementary School
  • Booster Seat program – Free booster seat for children at least four years old and weighing at least 30 lbs.

Vouchers are redeemed, and booster seats are distributed where a Certified Passenger Child Safety Technician will properly install and provide parents and caregivers with education on the importance and use of child safety seats. These services and free car seat inspections are offered, with no appointment necessary, at the following locations:

Department of Motor Vehicles
1001 Half Street, SW
Contact: Larry Walker
Tuesdays - Saturday
7 am to 3 pm
Metropolitan Police Department
3320 Idaho Avenue NW
Contact: Sgt. Terry Thorne
[email protected]
(202) 391-6999
10 am to 6 pm
Metropolitan Police Department
Sixth District Police Sub-sation
2701 Pennsylvania Avenue SE
Contact: Sgt. Terry Thorne
[email protected]
(202) 391-6999
10 am to 6 pm

Child Passenger Safety Workshop

This is a FREE 2 – 4 hour workshop focused on District laws, selecting the appropriate child restraint and correct installation, and emphasizing the importance of properly buckling up children every ride. Workshops are offered monthly throughout the District and are available upon request.

National Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST) Certification Training Program (32 hours)

This four-day training program prepares individuals to earn the Child Passenger Safety Technician, a nationally recognized professional certification. The course focuses on car seat safety and how to help families at public safety events, private car seat clinics, or workshops. The course combines classroom instruction, indoor and outdoor hands-on activities, skills assessments with car seats and vehicles, and a community safety checkup.

For more information on this program, contact:

District Department of Transportation  
250 M Street SE, Washington, DC 20003

Contact: Karen Gay, [email protected], (202) 409-0234, or [email protected]