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District Department of Transportation

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Green Infrastructure

Green Infrastructure - sidewalk with landscape area

Green Infrastructure (GI) is the living network that connects landscape areas, natural areas, and waterways. In urban areas, GI captures rainfall; cools buildings and pavement; and creates natural pathways for wildlife. GI includes Low Impact Development (LID) techniques, which mimic nature to capture and treat stormwater as close to the source as possible.

The “Sustainable DC Plan,” adopted in 2013, sets long-range goals for making the District the greenest city in the nation. The plan calls for increasing green infrastructure in the public right-of-way (ROW) and taking actions to improve the health of the city’s waterways.

The District Stormwater regulations require stormwater volume retention on all major construction projects. Both public and private projects constructing in the ROW are required to retain stormwater to the maximum extent practicable. Designers must examine all uses of public space and place stormwater management where space and use allows.

DDOT is installing Green Infrastructure as part of construction projects and in retrofit projects to reduce stormwater runoff in more areas of the city. Green Street and Green Alley projects utilize GI techniques and may be constructed where watershed and infrastructure improvements are prioritized.

Green Infrastructure practices for streets include:

  • bioretention (also called rain gardens)
  • street trees
  • landscape areas
  • permeable pavement

When implemented, GI creates living green streets that capture, store, and infiltrate stormwater to treat it as a resource and improve the urban environment.

In 2014, DDOT released the GI Standards which included technical drawings, specifications, design manual, plant list, and maintenance schedules. Below is the DDOT guide “Greening DC Streets,” which summarizes green infrastructure opportunities and constraints in the District.

Please contact [email protected] with any questions or comments about this program.


Green Infrastructure Projects

  • DDOT Green Alleys
  • Oregon Avenue Watershed Green Streets
  • Alger Park Upload Low Impact Development and Dix Street Green Infrastructure
  • Broad Branch Spring Valley Stormwater Retrofit (in design – coming soon)
  • Four Sub-watershed (in design)
  • Multipurpose GI Stormwater Retrofits (in design – coming soon)

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