The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) invites the public to participate in a virtual public meeting on Tuesday, October 15, 2024. This meeting will provide an overview of the Anacostia River Trail: Arboretum Bridge to Maryland Avenue Connector Feasibility Study. DDOT will present the project's scope, review existing conditions, and seek valuable feedback from the community to help shape the study’s recommendations. Your input is essential to ensuring the success of this important project.
To view the virtual presentation:
Event Number: 2306 956 0293
Event Password: ptMp2i8jXF6
Dial-in option (audio only): 1-202-860-2110 Access code: 2306 956 0293#
The Webex system will prompt you for an Attendee ID; this is not required. Press the # key to join the meeting.
Can't Make a Meeting?
For more information about the project, please visit