The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) will host a virtual public meeting to discuss the drainage improvements and stormwater management practices that are being considered to alleviate flooding conditions on Connecticut Avenue NW at the Cleveland Park Metro Station and nearby intersections. Project staff will share the findings from the analysis of the Porter-Ordway sewershed and the sewer trunk on Porter Street NW. Project components include storm drain upgrades and stormwater management improvements west of Connecticut Avenue NW. East of Connecticut Avenue NW, proposed improvements are being designed to manage stormwater runoff to Rock Creek that may result from increased flows from the sewer system. The meeting will provide an opportunity for residents to ask questions and share their concerns and desires for stormwater management improvements within the project area.
Attendee Link:
Webinar Number: 2305 560 6959
Webinar Password: June16!
Dial-in Option (audio only): 1-202-860-2110. Access Code: 2305 560 6959. The Webex system will prompt you for an Attendee ID, this is not required. Press the # key to join the meeting.