You can request street/alley light repair services by calling the Mayor's Citywide Call Center at 311 or completing a service request online using the District government's Service Request Center. Please identify the location of the light and the type of pole (i.e. wood, metal) and describe the specific problem (i.e. light out, missing globe, light on continuously).
A service request will be put into the tracking system, and you should receive a service request number.
Scheduled Response Time
- Emergency Response (Pole and/or Electrical Equipment Knockdown): 2-4 hours
- Investigation/*Simple Maintenance: 2-5 days
- Leaning Pole, Base Door and Access Covers: 7 days
- No Current Without Excavation (No Power to Light): 20 days
- No Current With Excavation (No Power to Light): 60 days
- Missing Pole and/or Arm: 30 days
- Replacement of Knockdown Pole/Equipment: 45 days
- Pole/Equipment Relocation and Tree-Trimming Around Light: 15 days
- Streetlight Upgrades (paint, light too bright, add’l light requests): Up to 12 months
* Bulbs, Photocells, Globes, Dim Lights, 24-Hour Burns, etc.
After investigation (5 days), residents can call 311 for a status of the problem reported. Call the Mayor’s Hotline at 311 or (202) 727-1000 if the problem hasn’t been repaired by the estimated time of completion. Please reference your service request number.
Service Need
To provide efficient lighting for pedestrian and vehicular safety in public space.
Service at a Glance
Provided By: DDOT
Phone: 311
Location: 55 M Street, SE, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20003