The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) is committed to ensuring accessible and inclusive public involvement in all agency projects. As a recipient of federal financial assistance, DDOT is required to, “develop and use a documented public involvement process that provides opportunities for public review and comment at key planning decision points,” (23 CFR §450.210). DDOT strives to exceed these regulations through early, continuous, and transparent public outreach, engagement, and involvement. Successful public involvement engages communities, produces projects that address neighborhood needs and desires, and builds trust between DDOT and neighborhoods impacted by DDOT plans and projects. This document outlines DDOT’s responsibilities to communities to:
- Provide early and continuous public involvement
- Collaborate with stakeholders in a respectful manner
- Schedule public involvement at convenient meeting times and locations
- Provide effective outreach to low-income, minority, elderly, limited mobility, low-English proficiency (LEP), and no-English proficiency (NEP) populations
The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) Public Involvement Plan (PIP) serves two key purposes: (1) Identifies DDOT’s requirements, processes, and tools for public involvement and (2) serves as a manual for DDOT project managers. The DDOT PIP also provides:
- Legal requirements for public involvement
- Definitions of key stakeholders
- Outline of the project development process
- Methods to encourage accessible and inclusive public involvement
- A checklist for the development of a project public involvement plan
DDOT project managers across all DDOT Divisions (Appendix A) should refer to the DDOT PIP for guidance on standards and expectations for successfully implementing public involvement strategies. The project manager for a DDOT project is responsible for managing the execution of the project, including the oversight of contractor performance, project schedule, project budget, and public involvement. Every DDOT project has one project manager who is assigned by the appropriate division’s Associate Director to oversee these elements.