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District Department of Transportation

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Parking Decals and Permits for Vehicles Used by Persons with Disabilities

Disability Information

DMV provides disability access to all of our service centers, including the Inspection Station and Adjudication Services.

DMV offers disability tags for vehicles of persons requiring such assistance and parking placards/permits for persons requiring such assistance. On behalf of the District Department of Transportation (DDOT), which regulates parking in the District, DMV issues parking placards/permits, which are available to DC residents. The placards are placed inside the vehicle on the rear view mirror. DMV also issues disability tags, which are only available to DC residents. These disability tags replace the vehicle's tags. DC residents may be issued one set of disability tags and a disability parking placard/permit. Disability tags or parking placards/permits for people with disabilities are available at all DMV service locations.

DC DMV Resources

Disability parking placards/permits or tags from DC or any state allow you to:

  • Park in any parking space designated for a disabled person.
  • Park for double the posted time in red top metered spaces, after paying the established meter rate indicated on the meter, or time-restricted spaces such as Residential Permit Parking (RPP) zones

Disability parking privileges DO NOT allow you to stop, stand or park in the following areas:

  • Where parking is prohibited.
  • In spaces reserved for other special types of vehicles.
  • Where it would clearly present a traffic hazard.

Please note: Parking privileges may vary by jurisdiction. Private parking facilities, such as airport parking lots, may restrict the time and parking for vehicles displaying disability parking placards/permits or tags.

Violations and Penalties

Remember, it's unlawful to:

  • Park in a space reserved for disabled individuals without displaying your disability placard/permit or tag.
  • Allow anyone to use your placard/permit or tags unless they are transporting you.
  • Create or use a counterfeit copy of a disability parking placard/permit or vehicle tags.
  • Alter a disability parking placard/permit or vehicle tags.
  • Make a false statement about a disability in order to obtain or assist someone else in obtaining a disability parking placard/permit or vehicle tags.

Violations of these offenses could result in fines and/or imprisonment or the revocation of your disability parking privileges.


ATTN: Disability Services
PO Box 90120
Washington, DC 20090

Related Information

DC Office of Disability Rights (ODR)

Related Document

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) Overview