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District Department of Transportation

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Shared Fleet Data and Application Programming Interface (API)

three deckles scooters in an on-street micro mobility corral

DDOT and Shared Fleet Data

As a condition of operating in the District, shared fleet device companies are required to provide monthly data reports to DDOT. This data includes the number of rides and devices in service, instances of reported safety incidents and improper parking, and aggregated data on repairs. Companies are also required to provide anonymized trip data. This data has helped DDOT evaluate the pilot program and can support current and future planning efforts.

DDOT and the District value open data and data sharing, but the data provided in the monthly reports can be sensitive. Given the sensitivity of the data, DDOT is not publicly posting origin-destination data but is seeking other avenues for public access to more information about the program's performance. DDOT’s goal is to protect the privacy of shared fleet device users while maintaining transparency for the residents of the District.

DDOT has worked with several entities to analyze the monthly report data under non-disclosure agreements. The agency is open to collaborating with more research institutions under similar conditions and encourages independent researchers and data scientists to access shared fleet device data via publicly accessible APIs in GBFS.

Application Programming Interface (API)

This is the API documentation page for the following shared fleet devices:

Capital Bikeshare
Lime Micromobility (including Jump bikes)