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District Department of Transportation

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Printable Application Forms and Requirements for Public Space Usage

You need to apply for a Public Space Permit whenever you intend to occupy, construct and/or install in or on publicly owned property between the property lines of a street, park, or other public property (including roadway, tree space, sidewalk, or parking between such property lines.)

Types of Permits

Manual was developed for the Public Space Management Branch in conformance with permitting procedures and policy.
FAQs on how to install a banner or seasonal display on a DDOT street light pole.
A notarized Certification of Notice demonstrating compliance with the notice requirement must be submitted to the Public Space Committee coordinator at least one week prior to the Public Space Committee hearing on the application.
These are regulations that include design elements in the Downtown DC Business Improvement District Streetscape Enhancement Notebook, August 2000.
A document requiring District residents to furnish a public liability insurance policy to cover all use of public space permittee.
The purpose of this notice is to announce that an application to operate a sidewalk café has been filed with the Public Space Permit Office, Public Space Management Branch, DDOT.
Important information on whether or not to drive an oversize or overweight vehicle into the District.
A permit is needed for any parking in Public Space which is defined as the space outside the property line.
As a part of this responsibility, DDOT reviews and approves traffic control plans governing the safe routing of pedestrians and vehicles around the work zone in public space.
The “Public Inconvenience Fee” is associated with extended temporary occupancy of public space, including sidewalks, alleys, or roadways.
Instructions to reserve parking for a funeral adjacent to a building where the funeral service is being held.
Information on how to obtain a permit for a sidewalk cafe.
Sidewalk, curb and gutter permits.
This fee applies to the steel plates used to temporarily cover excavations and trenches in the roadway. The steel plate fee will be computed based on the total number of plates, the length of time they are in the roadway and the time of year.
There are four phases to public space inspections of construction in public space:
  1. Pre‐inspection
  2. Pre‐construction meeting
  3. Ongoing monitoring
  4. Final inspection
Bricks and mortar businesses (i.e., museums, halls available for rent) providing valet parking on an occasional basis must apply for an annual Event Venue Valet Parking Permit.
Bricks and mortar businesses (e.g. restaurants) providing valet parking on a regular basis must apply for an annual Standard Valet Parking Permit.
This document provides information regarding installation of a vault or vault permit requirements.
Public space is the Right-of-Way (ROW) between private property lines and includes the roadways, alleys, sidewalks and often the front and side yards between sidewalks and buildings.