District Department of Transportation (DDOT) is a voting member of the Clean Air Partners (CAP), which is a partnership established by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Government and the Baltimore Metropolitan Council.
For more than a decade, Clean Air Partners has strived to improve public health and the environment by working with businesses, organizations, and individuals throughout the region to raise awareness and reduce air pollution through voluntary actions. Clean Air Partners educates the public about the health effects of ground-level ozone and fine particles and the environmental effects of greenhouse gases. Since the transportation sector is a major contributor to these pollutants, our involvement with Clean Air Partners offers us the opportunity to motivate the public to take efficient and effective actions that will improve air quality in the area.
Visit for the Air Quality Resources page to stay up-to-date on the current and forecasted air quality for your area.
To educate the public about the health effects of ground-level ozone and fine particles.
Program at a Glance
Program Title: Clean Air Partners
Agency: District Department of Transportation
Office: Policy, Planning and Sustainability Administration (PPSA)
Type: Outreach and Education