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District Department of Transportation

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Data Privacy Commitment

Shared fleet device companies that operate electric scooters and bicycles in the District of Columbia are required to provide data and reports to DDOT as a condition of their permits. These companies make real-time trip data available through Open Mobility Foundation Mobility Data Specification (MDS) Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) via secure private keys. They also send aggregated usage reports to DDOT every month. DDOT uses these data and reports to evaluate the use of shared fleet devices, understand the effects they have on the public space, and plan for changes to transportation infrastructure to ensure safe, equitable, and sustainable transit for all residents and visitors in the District.

While DDOT and the District value open data and data sharing, we are committed to ensuring that the privacy of residents and visitors are protected. The data provided by the shared fleet device operators are sensitive; the trip data are anonymized, but include the origin, destination, and time-stamped waypoints for each ride. Given the sensitivity of these data, access is restricted to a small group of vetted DDOT and shared fleet personnel. We will not publicly post origin-destination or waypoint-level trip data. DDOT is developing other avenues for the public to access more information about shared fleet devices operating in the District. DDOT’s goal is to protect the privacy of shared fleet device users while maintaining transparency for the residents of the District.

DDOT has worked with several entities to analyze the monthly report data under non-disclosure agreements. The agency is open to collaborating with more research institutions under similar conditions. In addition, DDOT encourages independent researchers and data scientists to access shared fleet device data via publicly accessible APIs under the General Bikeshare Feed Specification (GBFS).