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District Department of Transportation

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Lane Place Pedestrian Bridge

The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) has finalized the design of the Lane Place Pedestrian Bridge Project. The project will replace and improve a pedestrian crossing over Kenilworth Avenue (DC-295) in Ward 7 near Lane Place NE.  The replacement bridge will span across DC-295 and the northbound and southbound service roads.  The replacement bridge will comply with DDOT and American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) design standards and meet American with Disability Act (ADA) standards for accessible design.  Key improvements include:

  • Pedestrian bridge spans over the Kenilworth Avenue (DC-295) service roads, eliminating the previous at-grade pedestrian crossing,
  • enhanced lighting on the bridge and bridge access ramps,
  • access ramps that meet ADA requirements,
  • addition of stairs to provide an alternate method of accessing the bridge,
  • increased vertical clearance over the roadway,
  • a wider bridge and access ramps.

Lane Bridge Rendering.jpg

Rendering of the Proposed Lane Place Pedestrian Bridge

Project Timeline

The design phase commenced in late August 2021. The design phase is complete. The bid documents were advertised for construction on September 19, 2022. The Invitation for Bid documents are available on this website