The study area for the Far Southeast II Livability Study is located in the southeast section of the District of Columbia. The majority of the study area lies in Ward 7. The neighborhood of Fairlawn is located in Ward 8. The study area is bounded by Massachusetts Avenue to the north; Good Hope Road and Naylor Road to the south; Anacostia Freeway to the west and Southern Avenue to the east. Prince Georges County, Maryland is directly adjacent to its eastern boundary.
The study area encompasses twelve distinct neighborhoods. They are:
- Fairlawn
- Marbury Plaza
- Randle Highlands
- West Over View
- Good Hope
- Twining
- Penn Branch
- Dupont Park
- Fort Davis
- Fairfax Village
- Hillcrest
- Naylor Gardens
A vision was formed for these neighborhoods in the Far Southeast study area to guide the identification of Livability Corridors and development of transportation solutions along these corridors that improve the quality of life for people who live, work and recreate there.
The Vision for the Study Area is to:
- Provide better access to social and economic opportunities by efficiently connecting major activity centers (employment centers, retails, education, recreation, and community facilities) within and around the study area.
- Strengthen connections to regional transportation network and park corridors.
- Provide a variety of transportation options by making walking, wheeling, bicycling and transit use safe and convenient.
- Support existing communities in the study area by preserving and enhancing community characteristics.
Project at a Glance
Project Title: Far Southeast II Livability Study
Providing Agency: District Department of Transportation
Office: Policy, Planning and Sustainability Administration (PPSA)
Status: Completed
Type: Renovation/Modernization
Website: farsoutheastlivability.com