The Council of the District of Columbia enacted several laws regarding bicycling. These include the creation of a city bicycle transportation and safety program, a bicycle advisory council, a requirement that children under 16 wear helmets while bicycling, and both a helmet educational and financial assistance program.
Such bicycling legislation can be found at District of Columbia Official Code. For instance, the bullet point named Title 50. Motor and Non-Motor Vehicles and Traffic has an informational node called 'Subtitle V. Non-Motorized Vehicles' that expands to reveal more detail.
Accessible from the DC Office of Documents - DC Municipal Regulations and DC Register website, are specific bicycle regulations. For example, bicycle-related legislation includes a 3-foot rule for Overtaking and Passing - Rule: 18-2202.10. Another example is the residential building bicycle parking requirements - Rule: 112910. The list of moving violations - Rule: 18-22, non-moving violations - Rule: 18-24, and associated fines are also available.
Further, the Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA) publishes a Pocket Guide to DC Bike Laws, which you can download, and keep handy.
Last, the DC Municipal Regulations and DC Register - Rule 18-1200 provides information related to DC laws and how they apply to motorized bicycles, Segways, and other two-wheeled personal mobility devices.
To clarify the application of existing DC laws to motorized bicycles, Segways, and other two-wheeled vehicles.
Program at a Glance
Program Title: Bicycle Laws
Agency: District Department of Transportation
Office: Planning and Sustainability Division (PSD)
Type: Administrative
Phone: (202) 671-0681
Related Documents
- Pocket Guide to DC Bike Laws
- DC Common Enforcement Scenarios Involving Bicyclists
- Non-Traditional Motor Vehicles and DC Law
- d. Compendium