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District Department of Transportation

DDOT Announces Enforcement of School Bus Stop-Arm Safety Program Starts June 29

Friday, June 28, 2024
Program helps curb dangerous driving behavior and protects students

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DDOT Announces Enforcement of School Bus Stop-Arm Safety Program Starts June 29

(WASHINGTON, DC) — Today, the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) announces that ticketing for the Stop-Arm Safety Program begins on Saturday, June 29. Under the program, DDOT and the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) installed stop-arm safety cameras on 25 OSSE school buses to help curb dangerous driving behavior and ensure the highest level of safety for District students.

“We are committed to the safety of all our students, every day, particularly the thousands of students with disabilities who receive bus transportation to access their education,” said Acting DDOT Director Sharon Kershbaum. “The Stop-Arm Safety Program aligns seamlessly with the District’s commitment to Vision Zero, aiming to eliminate traffic-related fatalities and serious injuries by promoting safe behaviors and implementing innovative safety measures, and helps ensure the safety of our most vulnerable students.”

The Stop-Arm Safety Program plays a crucial role in enforcing the laws surrounding school bus stops, ensuring that drivers prioritize the safety of students during their commute. When the stop-arm is deployed on a school bus, the bus’s camera automatically detects vehicles that pass a bus within the enforcement zone, records video of the vehicle, and captures images including the vehicle, its license plate, and the extended stop-arm.

A 45-day warning period began on April 29 when the program launched. Effective June 29, citations will be issued for motorists who illegally pass an OSSE school bus that is stopped with the stop-arm activated. Violation videos and license plate images will be reviewed by DDOT for verification before a warning or a Notice of Infraction (NOI) is issued. Violators face a $500 fine.

“The Stop-Arm Safety Program aligns with our mission to support and ensure the safety of all students, particularly the most vulnerable students in our schools,” said Interim State Superintendent Dr. Antoinette S. Mitchell. “This program and partnership with DDOT will help protect our students with disabilities who may face unique challenges. We are excited to see the results.”

For more information on DDOT’s Stop-Arm Safety Program, visit



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