Pursuant to the "Administrative Procedure Amendment Act of 2000" DC LAW 13-249 (48 DCR 3491 April 20, 2001), the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) is required to give a written notice of intent to modify traffic and/or parking requirements. This letter is made accessible for the purpose of notification and solicitation of comments on the intent to implement modifications within the District. DDOT provides an on-site investigation at the location to determine whether any traffic and parking related revisions are deemed necessary.
All comments on this subject matter must be filed in writing, not later than thirty days (30) after the date of this notice with the District Department of Transportation, Transportation Operations Administration, 55 M Street, SE, 6th Floor, Washington, DC 20003.
Please see a listing of DDOT’s recent Notice of Intent (NOI) letters. Any questions or concerns should be forwarded to District Department of Transportation, Transportation Operations Administration, 55 M Street, SE, 6th Floor, Washington, DC 20003.